Looking to tell business professionals about your product or service?

With over 400 million users, LinkedIn is the social network for professionals. More and more people visit it daily to catch up on news related to their industry, career and peers. The ad formats are similar to Facebook, albeit a little simpler. With Linkedin advertising, you can target people with a wide array of criteria such as:

  • Location
  • Education
  • Industry
  • Job Title / Function / Seniority
  • Years of Experience
  • Affiliated Groups or Companies

Using these targeting options, we’re able to hone in on your preferred audience, ensuring the deepest level of relevancy to any prospective customers who see your ad. This targeting allows us to specifically target decision makers within large organisations. Linkedin ads are perfect for driving a variety of KPI’s, from brand awareness to website traffic and conversions.

As an experienced Linkedin advertising agency, we’re knowledgeable in using paid ads on Linkedin in the most cost effective way to your business.

Currently, there are two main options when it comes to creating your ads on Linkedin:

  • Sponsored Updates: a pay per click format that allows you to promote a post from your company profile page and get it in front of a relevant audience. This can be a great branding exercise as you could easily get a discussion going on a particular topic by promoting an article you have written, or use remarketing functions to deliver relevant messages to users at goal oriented points in their purchase or decision-making journey
  • InMail: send personalised messeages directly into the LinkedIn inboxes of your target audiences.
  • Dynamic Ads: this effective format pairs the profile picture of your target users next to your brand for maximum aspirational impact.

Linkedin ads are effective from both a Social perspective as well as a PPC perspective, making them a versatile and effective way of promoting your business.

It’s our job to stay on the pulse, so having one of our Linkedin specialists assigned to you means your business will always be at the forefront of Linkedin advertising.

For our B2B clients we can safely say we have seen some of our best PPC results coming from LinkedIn.