Would you like more conversation about your business on Twitter?

Twitter is another large player in social media with over 300 million users and the Twitter advertising opportunities are growing at a rapid rate.

Often brands use Twitter as a customer service platform and it lends itself to this very well, but more and more businesses are ceasing the opportunity to drive more website traffic and generate leads from people’s timelines. As with Facebook advertising, it’s important to have a paid strategy in place to drive your KPIs.

While it’s all about that 140 character message on Twitter, you can drive KPIs of all kinds, be it brand awareness, website traffic, leads or sales. Ad formats on Twitter have a very clear call to action so you can ensure you get people clicking who are genuinely interested in your product or service.

Twitter’s targeting options are very smart. Allowing you to target people by demographics, locations, interests, words/phrases used in tweets. You can also target people by who they follow on Twitter meaning we can get quite granular in finding your audience.

We can also build Custom Audiences, which allows us to target users more specifically. A common example of this is creating a list of people who have visited your website already and shown interest in your product or service. Another example would be uploading an existing email list you have to show them adverts on Twitter.

As a Twitter advertising agency we manage paid campaigns across many sectors. The Twitter advertising landscape changes day by day with new advertising formats and optimisation opportunities being introduced all the time. It’s our job to stay on the pulse so having one of our Twitter specialists work for you means your business will always be on utilising Twitter advertising in the best way possible.